GRRA Discussions
Choose a Topic. Speak Your Mind
Emigration & Immigration
Cross Border Movement Discussions
0Environment & Climate Change
The world is literally changing around us. Can it be managed?
0General Discussion
Open for any topic that doesn't fit under an existing category.
1God, Gods, None of the Above
Religion(s)? Yes? No? Maybe? Topics of the Day. Why are you Right and others are Wrong? Discuss!
0Health Care in the USA
There's a lot to fix here. How do we do it?
0International Politics
What is going on in the world? No seriously, WHAT is going on in the world?
1In the News Today
Seriously? Can you believe what happened today? Let's discuss!
0LGBTQ+ Rights & Topics
Discuss with dignity. Hate is going to result in you being shown the door.
We can't escape it, so we might as well discuss it?
0Race & Civil Rights
We need to do better. How do we do that?
Guns and other weapons designed for killing people. Who should be able to have what and when?
0Women's rights
Women's rights are human rights. Discuss how we move forward.